Baseledger Proxy open-sourced!
March 22, 2022 — The Unibright team decided to open source the Baseledger Proxy! First developed in 2021, Baseledger Proxy has already been used in client projects, studies, and Baseline related improvement proposal projects like the BLIP-1 group with members of SAP, TU Wien, and others.

The Baseledger Proxy was originally developed in 2021 by developers from Unibright, concircle, Finspot and Lakewood Consulting — for the first Baseledger/ SAP end-to-end demos presented by concircle. The proxy includes all the necessary components to set up a Baseline compliant process, like workgroup setup, off-chain messaging, multi-party-approval workflow management and Baseledger connection.
The Baseledger Proxy is designed in an open and extendable manner, to support different zero- and limited-knowledge-proof implementations, for example Baseledger TrustMesh. A seamless integration with SAP connector conUBC and with Baseledger comes out-of-the-box, but the proxy can also connect to other systems of record and could also be used to drop proofs on other consensus-controlled state machines. Baseledger Proxy is the only component needed for enterprise customers to baseline their processes and integrate all involved systems to a blockchain like Baseledger, without any vendor-lock-in.
During the Baseledger Lakewood Testnet phase (and while preparing for the upcoming Baseledger Mainnet launch) the proxy has been used in various implementations already, for example in projects related to concircle’s SAP certified conUBC connector or in Unibright’s feasibility study for European Investment Fund EIF.
Stefan Schmidt, CTO of Unibright states:
“The Baseledger Proxy is a software that perfectly summarizes the aim of Unibright and Baseledger: enterprise integration with the help of Blockchain technology. We are convinced that open-sourcing is the perfect strategy to support adoption.”
Stefan Rauch, Board Member of concircle adds:
“The Baseledger Proxy is a vital part of the concircle-baseline story. We were able to co-build and use the proxy in various projects already, together with conUBC and Baseledger. To put the proxy open source is a clever move to engage more enterprise developer communities to collaborate, and we support that.”
The Baseledger Proxy has also been picked up by various teams around the Baseline Protocol Community. Unibright will also promote the usage of the Baseledger Proxy for reference implementation around baseline improvement proposal BLIP-1, where members of SAP, Technical University of Vienna, Unibright, Consensys Mesh and others are working on finding measurements for Baseline worksteps requiring and not requiring blockchain or zero-knowledge-proofs.
TU Wien research groups IBAU and ASG already make use of the Baseledger Proxy in their research projects BIMd.sign and FMChain founded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG). They encourage the release of Baseledger Proxy under an open-source license, as it allows the scientific community to help improve Baseline software components.
The Baseledger Proxy source code will be available on GitHub in April 2022.
About Unibright: Unibright is a team of blockchain specialists, architects, developers and consultants with 20+ years of experience in business processes and integration. Unibright offers Consulting with Unibright Solutions, Low-Code-Integration Tools with the Unibright Framework, programmable DeFi with Unibright Freequity, and the Universal Business Token UBT. Unibright is engaged in the Baseline Protocol, offers Baseledger as a solution to orchestrate and trust-enhance B2B processes and offers ERP-Blockchain-integration with Partners like Concircle.